Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced AWS Snowcone on Jun. 2020. It’s lightweight, small, robust edge computing that works in strict environments. We survey this product.
The overview of AWS Snowcone is as follows.
- Physical edge computing that works in strict environments
- Lightweight, Small
- Storage – 8TB
- CPU – 2CPUs, Memory – 4GB
- It can operate on battery power alone.
- It can be used in various environments (eg. with drone).
- It can launch EC2 instances.
- It can use AWS IoT Greengrass.
- It can use AWS DataSync.
- It is currently only available in US East (N. Virginia) and US West (Oregon).
- pay-as-you-go
- The appearance is below
Source : AWS News Blog
As overview above, AWS Snowcone is a physical server on the edge side provided by cloud provider AWS. We think that this is a product that is difficult to provide with Azure and GCP provided by ICT companies. We think this is a service that can be provided because the parent company is AWS, a retailer.
Recently, the growth of cloud services on the cyber side is gradually slowing down. Therefore, we think that this service is a competitive and good product that aims to support in the comprehensive ICT field as a cyber physical system by expanding into the physical field.
This product can use “EC2”, “AWS IoT Greengrass”, and “AWS Data Sync”. Therefore, it is easy to work with the cloud side and has a high synergistic effect. On the other hand, the storage is 8 TB and can be equipped with a battery, storing enough data even when offline, and it is possible to operate independently until it cooperates with the cloud at a later date.
We believe that the product can perform data processing and AI operations that require physical and high-speed processing as edge computing. On the other hand, heavy processing can be processed later in cooperation with the cloud side. Therefore, We think that it is designed with the optimal architecture as a cyber physical system.
As of Jun. 2020, it is available only in the two US regions. We hope it will be available in other regions.